
Lets face it, us millennials are getting older. We've got Rick and Morty merchandise in drug stores, remakes of our favorite comic books coming out on the big screen, and Turk and JD trying to sell us half rate cell phones. It's not all bad though, because while big box stores are trying to captivate us as the new major market, theres a bit of power that comes along with that.

We don't need to be ashamed of the music we listened to in highschool.

We've got a large list of songs catered towards the aging millennial, so you don't need to wait for a car commercial to play your favorite songs. Green Day, Regina Spector, Mumford and Sons highlight our list of covers, along with a niche collection of our parents music to keep everyone happy too.

So, if you want to trade Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers for The Head and The Heart, or The Doobie Brother for the Avett Brothers - we've got the show for you.

- Paul and Aly

Song List

Song Artist
99 Red BalloonsNena
A Thousand YearsChristina Perri
Absolutely (Story of a Girl)Nine Days
Accidentally In LoveCounting Crows
Across The UniverseThe Beatles
American GirlTom Petty
As It WasHarry Styles
Bad Moon RisingCCR
Basket CaseGreen Day
Black SheepMetric
Blowin In The WindBob Dylan
Born To RunBruce Springsteen
Breakfast At TiffanysDeep Blue Something
BudapestGeorge Ezra
CaliforniaTyler Lyle
Cant Help Falling In LoveElvis Presley
CleopatraThe Lumineers
Cold is the NightThe Oh Hellos
Cough SyrupYoung The Giant
Dancing In The DarkBruce Springstein
Dancing In The MoonlightKing Harvest
Dead FlowersRolling Stones
Dial DrunkNoah Kahan
Dirty Old TownThe Pogues
DitmasMumford and Sons
Dont SpeakNo Doubt
Drunken LullabiesFlogging Molly
End of the LineTravelling Wilburys
FirefliesOwl City
Follow You DownGin Blossoms
Folsom Prison BluesJohnny Cash
Friday Im In LoveThe Cure
GhostJustin Bieber
Gimmie SympathyMetric
GloriaThe Lumineers
HackensackFountains of Wayne
Hang Me Up To DryCold War Kids
Hang On Little TomatoPink Martini
Have You Ever Seen The RainCCR
Here We GoDrew Holcomb
HeroFamily Of The Year
Hey There DelilahPlain White Ts
High and DryRadiohead
Ho HeyThe Lumineers
Hold Back The RiverJames Bay
HomePhillip Phillips
HoneybeeThe Head and The Heart
I Miss YouBlink 182
I Will Follow You Into The DarkDeath Cab For Cutie
I Will WaitMumford and Sons
I Wont Back DownTom Petty
Im a BelieverThe Monkees
ImagineJohn Lennon
In Too DeepSum 41
Its All Been DoneBarenaked Ladies
Ive Just Seen A FaceThe Beatles
JulyNoah Cyrus
Las VegasGoats Dont Shave
Last NiteThe Strokes
Leaving of LiverpoolThe Dubliners
Let Her GoPassenger
Let It BeThe Beatles
Lets Be StillThe Head and The Heart
LetterbombGreen Day
Little Lion ManMumford and Sons
Little TalksOf Monsters and Men
Looking Out My Back DoorCCR
Los Angeles is BurningBad Religion
Man on the MoonREM
Misery BusinessParamore
Mountain SoundOf Monsters and Men
Move AlongAll American Rejects
Mr Blue SkyElectric Light Orchestra
N17The Saw Doctors
No One KnowsQueen of the Stone Age
Numb Little BugEm Beihold
One Great CityThe Weakerthans
Only OneYellowcard
OverkillColin Hay
PainJimmy Eat World
Ramblin ManAllman Brother Band
Reckless AbandonBlink 182
Rich GirlHall and Oates
Right NowSR 71
Ring of FireJohnny Cash
RiptideVance Joy
Rough Landing HollyYellowcard
SamsonRegina Spector
Scared to StartMichael Marcagi
SheGreen Day
She Will Be LovedMaroon 5
Shiny Happy PeopleREM
Stable SongGregory Alan Isakov
Stick SeasonNoah Kahan
Stuck In The Middle With YouStealers Wheel
Suddenly I SeeKT Tunstall
Sunday MorningMaroon 5
Sweet PeaAmos Lee
The BoxerSimon and Garfunkel
The CaveMumford and Sons
The MiddleJimmy Eat World
The Way I AmIngrid Michaelson
ValerieAmy Winehouse
VindicatedDashboard Confessional
Waiting On The World To ChangeJohn Mayer
What Was I Made ForBillie Eilish
Whiskey In The JarThe Dubliners
Why Cant I?Liz Phair
WildflowersTom Petty
Will You Still Love Me TomorrowThe Shirelles
Wine RedThe Hush Sound
You and IIngrid Michaelson
You Go Down SmoothLake Street Dive
You May Be RightBillly Joel
Youve Got TimeRegina Spektor


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Thank you for you email - we'll get back to you soon!
- Paul and Aly